The Trinity Life Family is committed to impacting our community with Ministries for the entire family!

Discovery Zone (PreSchool-K)


TLC loves KIDZ! Our Children’s Ministries programs are designed to teach the word of God with relevant, applicable and age-related programs.

Be sure to check the schedule for all children’s events throughout the week! Sundays and Wednesdays - and special events throughout the year - there's always something happening with TLC Kids!

We'd LOVE to have you there!

KidZone (Grades 1-6)

TLC loves kids! Our Children’s Ministries programs are designed to teach the word of God with relevant, applicable and age-related programs.

Be sure to check the schedule for all children’s events throughout the week! Sundays and Wednesdays - and special events throughout the year - there's always something happening with TLC Kids!

We'd LOVE to have you there!

Boys' Life (Royal Rangers)

TLC loves kids! Our Children’s Ministries programs are designed to teach the word of God with relevant, applicable and age-related programs.

Be sure to check the schedule for all children’s events throughout the week! Sundays and Wednesdays - and special events throughout the year - there's always something happening with TLC Kids!

We'd LOVE to have you there!

Girls' Life (Missionettes)

Missionettes is a ministry for our girls, designed to win girls to Jesus Christ through love, acceptance and teaching. Missionettes teaches to obey everything Jesus commanded us―building our girls spiritually and mentally. Missionettes also provides encouragement, support, and accountability through lasting Christian relationships. 

We'd LOVE to have you there!

Student Life

Trinity Life Student Ministries provides spiritual guidance and support to all of our teens as they navigate through the teen years. They tackle the spiritual issues that our teens face every day, as well as connecting with each other and having tons of fun! Be sure to get involved! Location: Student Center (Wednesdays) & Activity Center (Sundays) / Room #4 Contact: Front Office

Women’s Life


Women’s Ministries at TLC are part of our Adult Minisitries department. We believe in the power of prayer, study and outreach - and we believe that a vibrant Women's Ministry is a vital part of any growing church! Single ladies, Single Again ladies, Moms, Grandmas, Great Grandmas - every woman from every generation and walk of life are welcome! Be a part of our challenging Bible studies and powerful prayer meetings!

Ladies! You are loved and welcome here! :)

NEXTGEN Young Adult Life

A ministry designed to serve young people on the crazy journey into adulthood, ages 18 - 35. With activities thoughout the month, don't miss the opportunity to do life with others facing similar daily challenges as you dive into the next phase of life. Adulting is not always easy, but together we're conquerors!
Visit us on Facebook!

Men’s Life

Men’s Ministries at Trinity Life are part of our Adult Minisitries department. We believe in the power of prayer, study and outreach - and we believe that a vibrant Men’s Ministry is a vital part of any growing church! Single or divorced men, fathers, grandfathers, that uncle from jail - every man from every generation and walk of life are welcome! Be a part of our challenging Bible studies and powerful prayer meetings!

Men! Let’s do this!

M3 Married Life

The M3 Married Life Ministry of Trinity Life Church is designed to help couples strengthen their marriage, as well as assist them as they navigate the different challenges and seasons of life. Whether you already have an established marriage, are newly married, or just thinking about getting married, this ministry is for you. Every Sunday morning, there is a class just for you that dives into the different dynamics of marriage.  We hope you will check out M3 Married Life!


Legacy Life (55+)

Legacy Life is just the place for our more "seasoned" TLC Family! :) Join up with the Legacy Life crew each month for dinner out and our regular outings around the beautiful Tucson and Phoenix area. It's great to hang out with like-minded believers who love the Lord and love each other! (Certain amount of gray hair required to join this elite group!)

You are invited to be a part of our church community in Tucson! We’d love to meet you :) Connect with us today and find out more about Trinity Life Church!