Jesus says in Matthew 18:19-20, “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Let us join with you in prayer today! Use the form below to present your prayer need to the Trinity Life family, and let us agree together!



  • i am saved,no need to contact me just pray please.I suffer with worry and anxiety and paranoia,i get really paranoid in many ways and i have bad anxiety and i worry alot,please pray the fear will stop and i will be free from it and at peace and fearless and pray God will comfort all my fears and pray God will replace all my fears with his peace everyday.thankyou
  • Please prey for me. I am again struggling with an ongoing addiction, that has caused me to lose a second marriage. I have been not only physically abusive towards my wife. But emotionally and mentally as well. I have casted her into a light fueled by my own lies and anger that she doesn't deserve. I allow my thoughts of what people think of me to over shadow the man I should and want to be. My marriage isn't the problem, I and my addiction are.
  • Hi, a kind request for prayer for my dad and mom. I'm in Phoenix now after an immediate request from my mom. My dad is in so much pain he cries and will probably start taking morphine soon. He's on oxygen 24/7 now too. My mom has been so patient and I pray that she keeps strong! They also had to put their dog down today. Thank you, Kim Joyal
  • Please pray Jesus crush disappointment, jealousy, resentment and hurt. Pray God redeem and restore. Pray for abundant life in place of death. Pray God come quickly to help me and grant me a willing spirit to wait as he has commanded me because I cannot be obedient with a willing spirit without him. Pray for breakthrough in Jesus name.
  • I am a single mom of two girls (12 and 16). I work very hard to take care of them and provide. God has been good to me. I am just asking for additional prayer to help me keep my strength. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, but try to remain calm and collective for my girls....but I am feeling some weakness coming over me and I worry. Just pray that I make it through these difficult times and remind me that I am not alone.

    Thank you so much!
  • Please help pray for my cousins 13 year old grandson Aiden, who has been diagnosed with cancer.Thanks
  • Prayer for Healing. I found out about 3 months ago that my heart is beating really slow. 25 to 30 beats per minute, as a result I am very tired and weak from lack of proper blood flow to my brain and body. i go in for surgery in september to have a pacemaker put in to speed up my heart and hkeep me from passing out.
  • i am saved,no need to contact me just pray.I am very overweight and obese with heart issues and high blood sugar,please pray God will give me the motivation and strength to exercise and eat healthy everyday and pray i will feel energized and encouraged to exercise daily and pray i will lose all the weight i need to and achieve strong muscles and perfect health.thankyou so much
  • Someone is using magic on me
    They are putting me in a pentacle in 1997 .They are a leprechaun and his brother Bobby bain in Richland,ms.
    I hear voices of them and also angels and saints and demons. Please pray for me
  • Please pray for God's protection and guidance in my life. Pray for spiritual growth and good health.
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