Jesus says in Matthew 18:19-20, “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Let us join with you in prayer today! Use the form below to present your prayer need to the Trinity Life family, and let us agree together!



  • Please pray for.....Kay (Key-Health and protection).......Ken Nelson (Afib) and a return to his Christian Faith.......Dean Pearce and Johnny Lee- (Parkinsons).......Sid Nelson-Hip pain due to a fall. Thank you and God bless you.Sid Nelson - Alabama.
  • I'm a disabled veteran and homeless. Please pray for housing and healthy food.
  • Prayer for full time work and reliable vehicle
  • I'm 29 ......just moved here and can't find a shelter or safe housing. I'm on the street and won't have money until 30th. My phone is dying and I don't know anyone please pray for help and protection.
  • Please pray...... I need a full time job this week and money for work clothes and food a job hand picked from Jesus for me.
  • Can you please help me pray for Lacy and her mom? She is struggling with hard times in life right now.
  • I'm taking bus and request prayer for temperature to come down to low 80s for the elderly and children especially. Thank you.
  • I'm seeing a man who is a womanizer. He's not kind to his children and he's very controlling. Please pray for a way out of this.
  • I'm in hospital for depression and my family has forsaken me please pray for a miracle of healing I'm having delusions and loneliness is hurting my life
  • I'm a missionary, going through tough times. Hope it's okay if I ask for multiple prayer requests.
    1. Tatiana, and a tall African-American guy who's name I don't remember right now get saved and attend a Church where they can make friends that will help guide them in the faith. I witnessed to them. Also, that Tatiana will download the audio book "Living a Life of Fire" and listen to it as I suggested.
    2. Darian, a youth in and out of Church and perhaps not saved yet, would have a deep experience of salvation and get discipled.
    3. I've been through so many adversities, bad experiences with Christians, and pain, I lack drive now. I don't feel like trying hard most of the time anymore. Not just in my Christian life, but in everything. Please pray God will help me be a driven, strong- willed, joyful person again that never gives up or gets discouraged. We need that to serve God, We need to somehow be like that and yet surrendered to Him.
    4. God would bless me financially in my work.
    5. I have a medical condition. One that most doctors don't know much about in this part of the world, but some doctors have cured it elsewhere. Please pray God will heal me miraculously or get me medicine that works from doctors abroad or both...sorry to ask so much. God bless you thanks.
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