Jesus says in Matthew 18:19-20, “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Let us join with you in prayer today! Use the form below to present your prayer need to the Trinity Life family, and let us agree together!



  • I'm trying to get help I need for college to be tutored and to find safe and stable housing please pray
  • I'm in shelter that claims to be Christian it's very disorganised and almost everyone smokes no one is kind and there is no Bible study or true knowledge of how to disciple no one prays I feel so alone and forsaken in a place called by Jesus name
  • Hello! I'm not part of your community, but may I please ask for prayers?

    Please pray for Grant J.'s soul to deeply heal, the idols in his life and veils from his eyes are removed, so his spiritual sight is free from bondage & for God's goodness to lead him to repentance. And for creative healing of his ankle.

    Please pray for Hugh, Cindy and their daughter Casey O. For the removal of the veils off their eyes and idols removed and God's goodness covers them. And for restoration of their relationship.

    For God to send the most effective workers to witness to them. And all these captives are set free so they can see, know, embrace, walk in the truth of Jesus and for God's purposes to shine in their lives! Most importantly, Praise God that all of the people in these prayers now know and walk with Jesus!
  • Please pray for healing in stomach and bladder for my dad to see me through the heart of Jesus and to see eternity in all its reality
  • Prayer for good housing this week and food that Jesus glory would fill my life and heart
  • An unfair happening has put off my daughters career opportunity. Prayers to get her safely and peacefully through to where God has her to be. Prayers for the individual who has caused trouble for her.
  • Please pray for God's Holy Spirit to fill my heart with love. I have been bitter for years and drinking.
  • Unspoken prayer
  • Please pray for me as a single parent dad and for my 9 yr old son
  • I was raised Catholic please pray for me that Jesus would show my heart the difference between Catholic church and Christianity
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